Thursday, June 24, 2010

Doesn't the tons of makeup and personal care products that models and celebrities use on a daily basis...?

...wear out their skin and hair in the short-run as well as their overall health in the long-run? Aren't they at higher risk of cancer and other diseases from all of that chemical exposure? I always wondered this, considering all of the chemicals and harmful ingredients that are used in today's makeup and personal care products.Doesn't the tons of makeup and personal care products that models and celebrities use on a daily basis...?
Yes definitely. Celebrities are under constant pressure to look their best so they are always applying makeup, doing their hair, and all that. From all the chemical exposure, they are at higher risk.

Yet celebrities live luxurious lifestyles, beyond our imaginations, so their access to the best of the best of everything (the highest quality food, and health care) could kind of make up for all of the carcinogenic stuff they use.

Also, if celebrities are happier than average people, then that could mean they are at a less risk of cancer, since happiness may ward off cancer (thats what I read).

So in some sense you are right, but you also have to consider other positive aspects in their lives.Doesn't the tons of makeup and personal care products that models and celebrities use on a daily basis...? The only chemical exposure you really get cancer and whatnot from is chemicals that give off radiation. Not all chemicals are harsh, I don't know why no one realizes this. And I'm SURE they wouldn't put carcinogens in beauty products.

Interesting thought, though :)

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